Nurture Batch | eBook – Mainframe Modernization

Mainframe Modernization eBook Your mainframe systems need to be modernized; there’s no question about that. Disruptions abound everywhere—the demands of mobile, archaic interfaces, the dwindling supply of expertise, rising costs, concerns about system performance. All...

Nurture Batch | Whitepaper – tableBASE In-Memory Processing

tableBASE In-Memory Processing Whitepaper Maximizing mainframe performance Maximizing mainframe system performance is an ongoing process, and amounts to a full-time job both for IT organizations running mainframe systems and for IBM. The z/OS operating system and the...

Nurture Batch | Success Story – Credit Card Processing

Credit Card Processing Success Story Challenge: The credit card company uncovered limitations in its critical clearing and settlement application during the 1980s. At the time, its mission-critical clearing and settlement application was processing 100,000,000...