Drip 2020 | Whitepaper – Mainframe Performance Improvements

Mainframe Performance Improvements Whitepaper Your mainframe is being asked to do more and more, and things are getting bogged down; what will you do about that? Why not optimize it for improved performance? Solutions Services News & Events Company Contact © Copyright...

Drip 2020 | Whitepaper – In-Memory Trends and Db2 for zOS

In-Memory Trends and Db2 for zOS Whitepaper Your mainframe systems are continually asked to do more and more processing. This is increasing your operating costs and making it difficult to maintain budget while remaining competitive. If changes aren’t made your...

Drip 2020 | Whitepaper – Mainframe Modernization

Mainframe Modernization Whitepaper What are the actual aspects of the mainframe that require modernization? Well, it comes down to three main attributes: cost, professional skills and modern interfaces – and that’s really it. So let’s take a closer look at all three...

Drip 2020 | eBook – Mainframe In-Memory Technology

Mainframe In-Memory Technology eBook Learn how to access your mainframe data faster, using your current IT assets. You can also free up resources to drive down costs, or to handle more workloads – or both! Solutions Services News & Events Company Contact ©...