Drip 2020 | eBook – Get Mobile Apps Running on Your Mainframe

Get Mobile Apps Running on Your Mainframe eBook Are you faced with providing mobile access to your mainframe applications and data, but can only offer limited access because your IP is locked away in your legacy mainframe applications? Fortunately, this is a solvable...

Drip 2020 | eBook – Mainframe Modernization

Mainframe Modernization eBook Your mainframe systems need to be modernized; there’s no question about that. Disruptions abound everywhere—the demands of mobile, archaic interfaces, the dwindling supply of expertise, rising costs, concerns about system performance. All...

Drip 2020 | eBook – Mainframe Risk Mitigation

Mainframe Risk Mitigation eBook Risk in the Mainframe Datacenter -Increased Mobile Access and Rising Costs Mainframe datacenters face inflating workloads and rising costs, due to business growth and increased mobile access. Learn how to mitigate these risks using...