TechBeat | Whitepaper – tableBASE

tableBASE In-Memory Processing Whitepaper Maximizing mainframe performance Maximizing mainframe system performance is an ongoing process, and amounts to a full-time job both for IT organizations running mainframe systems and for IBM. The z/OS operating system and the...

Drip | eBook – Mainframe Performance

Mainframe Performance Optimization eBook Your mainframe systems are being asked to do more every year: Increased workloads from year-over-year business growth Mobile batch and web transaction loads constantly increasing Mergers & acquisitions increasing workloads...

AdWords | tableBASE – June 2023

tableBASE In-Memory Processing Whitepaper Maximizing mainframe performance Maximizing mainframe system performance is an ongoing process, and amounts to a full-time job both for IT organizations running mainframe systems and for IBM. The z/OS operating system and the...

Drip | Whitepaper – Mainframe Cost Optimization

Mainframe Cost Optimization Whitepaper The mainframe is widely regarded as the best platform on the planet for running large-scale transaction processing because that is what it was designed for. No other platform can compete with the throughput performance of the...

Drip | Whitepaper – Cost Optimizing Multi-Platform Data Centers

Cost Optimizing Multi-Platform Data Centers Using IT Business Intelligence Whitepaper When the CIOs look at their own data centers or at the constantly growing list of demands from the business side of the organization, the picture they get is one of complexity. The...