To print Views, select Option 1 – PRINT VIEW on the tablesONLINEVIEW UTILITY menu (see Figure 214). The tablesONLINEPRINT VIEW DEFINITIONS screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 215.
Name of Library
Specify the library that contains the Views being printed, enclosed in single quotes.
Select or Exclude
Choose S (Select) to print the specified Views. Choose E (Exclude) to print all the Views in the library excluding the ones specified.
Name of Table
Up to six Views can be selected or excluded. Identify the Views by typing the names of the associated Data Tables. To print all the tables in a library, specify ALL in the first entry of the Name of Table field.
Because ALL has a specific meaning in the first entry of the Name of Table field only, it can be specified as a table name in entries 2-6 only.
By Field Name Sequence
To print the report in field name sequence, specify Y (Yes) in this field. The default is N (No) for the fields to be printed as defined in the row.