TBACC-DEF (32 bytes)

This parameter is used to download tableBASE table definition data for subsequent use by TBACC. When a program requires internal use of a table maintained on a tableBASE library, the DU command copies this table to a program area.

The final 108 bytes are reserved for use by TBACC commands; it is not required by the DU command. (For further information, see Subroutine TBACC).

 01 xxxx-TBL-DEF.
    05 xxxx-ROWS               PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE +0.
    05 xxxx-SIZE               PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE +100.
    05 xxxx-KEYSIZE            PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE +7.
    05 xxxx-KEYLOC             PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE +4.
    05 xxxx-MAX                PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE +1000.
    05 xxxx-SUB                PIC S9(8) COMP VALUE +0.
    05 xxxx-ORG                PIC X VALUE 'S'.
    05 xxxx-FOUND              PIC X.
    05 xxxx-OVFLOW             PIC X.
    05 xxxx-ACTION             PIC X VALUE 'S'.
    05 xxxx-METHOD             PIC X VALUE 'C'.
    05 RESERVED                PIC XXX VALUE LOW-VALUES.
    05 RESERVED                PIC X(108) VALUE LOW-VALUES.