An area large enough to contain one full row of the table. This area will be used to receive the contents of the appropriate row from the table after a Fetch, Get, or Delete command. If there is a likelihood that the row size will increase with new fields, it is prudent to define this area a little larger to accommodate this growth. Then when growth occurs, the programs that don’t require the additional data do not require a recompile.
01 xxxx-ROW-AREA.
05 xxxx-ROW-KEY PIC X(nn).
05 xxxx-ROW-DATA PIC X(nn).
The Insert and Replace commands will take the data from the ROW-AREA to insert or replace a row in the table.
The number of bytes transferred between the ROW-AREA and the table may be less than or equal to the actual length of a row in the table, depending on the value of the ROW-OVERRIDE-LENGTH field in the COMMAND-AREA.
Maximum row size is 32767 bytes; minimum row size is 1 byte.