Compatibility with previous releases of tableBASE
tableBASE has been continually enhanced over the years. New features have been added, and existing features have been improved. Despite the many enhancements made, applications written for all releases of tableBASE since Release 4.2 will run with Version 6 and higher versions with no changes necessary. The applications may not be able to take advantage of some enhancements provided in newer releases, but they will run as is.
Many of these enhancements are significant, and justify your upgrading to this later release. By upgrading your applications to take advantage of these new features, you’ll gain performance benefits as well added functionality. You’ll find a summary of the enhancements made in Releases 5.0 and 5.1 at the end of this appendix.
The following sections describe some issues you should consider if you have not yet adopted the TBLBASE application programming interface (API) that was introduced in Release 5.0.