If you have a PLTPI member in your CICS startup, edit the member in the Program List by entering DK1TCIN in the line after the entry for PROGRAM=DFHDELIM. If not, use the sample in member DFHPLT6T in your.prefix.SRC
as a guide.
Similarly, if you have a PLTSD member in your CICS definition, edit the member in the Program List by entering DK1TSHUT in the line after the entry for PROGRAM=DFHDELIM. If not, use the sample in member DFHPLT6S in your.prefix.SRC
as a guide.
During system startup this entry causes the tableBASE Resource Manager Interface to initialize. If the initialization is not performed or is not successful (required programs are not defined or not available), then all CICS tasks using TBLBASE or TBASEC will terminate with abend code AEY9.