Mandatory tableBASE datasets

The installation media contains only the products that have been licensed. There are seven partitioned datasets that are always present on the distribution media, which are described below.


This data set contains two types of members:

  • JCL to install, customize, and test tableBASE and all the products that have been licensed.
  • JCL to run tableBASE utility programs.

Both types of members may require customization to conform to your particular installation standards.


This data set contains:

  • all executable programs for tableBASE and other licensed DataKinetics products; and
  • the tableBASE API, TBLBASE (an alias of DK1TCALL). This entry point is required to link-edit programs that call tableBASE.


This data set contains source code for programs that are used to customize the various installation parameters for use with tableBASE and other licensed DataKinetics products. Test programs are also included.

This data set also contains:

  • COBOL copybooks for tableBASE parameter areas in your COBOL programs.
  • Sample coding examples utilizing the tablesONLINE exit feature.
  • Examples of batch programs utilizing various facilities of tableBASE.
  • Material for use in tableBASE tutorials.


This data set contains TSO CLISTs required by tablesONLINE/ISPF as well as CLISTs that enable you to run tableBASE utility programs in the TSO foreground.