The TBRPT report prints selected tables and their related definitions in character format, hexadecimal format, or both. To print columnar-style reports based on the formatting information contained in the Views, see Table printing utility: TBPRINT (DK1TPTBL).
Figure 119 to Figure 123 are samples of the reports produced by TBEXEC.
Figure 119 and Figure 120 are samples of update logs produced by TBEXEC when an UPDATE command is executed. Each log contains the key of each record on an update file and the action taken with each record. Two logs are produced if an UPDATE command uses both the WITH and REMOVE files.

Figure 121 shows a sample directory listing produced by TBEXEC for the tableBASE library TESTLIB, which is on the dataset SYS03309.T104402.RA000.DKLS04X.LIB. As shown, the library contains only the three generations of TBL01, and lists their creation date. The report indicates the number of blocks allocated to the library and how many remain for additional tables. By default, each block contains 3120 characters of information, which can be set to a different value when the library is defined.
Possible values for table type:
- blank – Data table
- VIEW View

Figure 122 and Figure 123 are samples that show the definition and contents of table TBL01.
Figure 122 is a summary report that identifies: table type, absolute generation number, date created (YYYY/MM/DD), and time created (HH:MM) for each table generation in the library.

The following information is provided reading from left to right on the report:
- absolute generation number
- maximum number of generations
- number of generations currently on the library
- relative generation number
- creation date and time
- actual number of rows
- estimate number of rows for which space is allocated when loaded in the TSR
- table organization
- table search method
- True or Pointer table type
- storage mode code (obsolete)
- if read and write passwords have been used
Note:READ/WRITE indicates password security; it does not identify the type of password security (RO, R/W); NONE indicates no password security. (See example in Figure 122)
- row size
- key length
- key location
- expansion factor
- upper density
- lower density
- actual density of Hash tables
- the version of the View (if this table is a View)
- the user id
- associated View name if specified
Figure 123 shows the contents of one generation of a table in character format. It shows:
- the name of the table being printed (TBL01 in sample)
- the library where it resides.
The definition of the generation being printed is displayed in the same format described above.

For each line output, the location indicates the position within the row at which printing begins. It is possible for longer rows to require several lines to report.