PC Server Messages
The following licensing messages for VTS Gate will appear in the JESMSGLG of the tableBASE PC Server at different times.
- At PC Server initialization:
DK100833I VTS Gate licensed to <customer name>
- In the warning period specifying when the license will expire:
DK100828W VTS Gate license will expire <yyyy-mm-dd>
- On the day when the license will expire after midnight:
DK100829W VTS Gate license expires today <yyyy-mm-dd>
- If there is a grace period for the license and the product is running in its grace period:
DK100826W VTS Gate license expired <yyyy-mm-dd>; in grace period
- When the license has expired and the product has stopped functioning:
DK100827W VTS Gate license expired <yyyy-mm-dd>
VTS Messages
If there is no VTS Gate license or the product has stopped functioning because the license has expired, any attempts to start up a VTS Agent with the following TBOPT options will fail:
- TSR_KEY_PROTECT=1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
The following message will be displayed in the VTS Agent job that attempts to use any of the above options without a valid VTS Gate license:
DK100901S Not licensed for VTS Gate options