tableSPACE usage statistics are generated and written to the CICS Journal File after every strobe interval if the run time options, STROBE and CICSJRNL are not set to zero. A tableSPACE report is then generated by executing the tableBASE utility program DK1TSTRB in batch. It reads the journalled data and produces a formatted tableSPACE report.
With this release, we assume that your CICS journal files are written to the MVS system logger. To activate the Strobe feature, you must understand the TBOPT mechanism and, in particular, the STROBE and CICSJRNL TBOPT run-time parameters.
For details on how to set up your CICS Journal File (CICSJRNL) and strobe interval (STROBE), see the tableBASE Installation Guide.
Member DK1TSTRB of the TBASE.CNTL library from the installation media contains a sample job to produce the tableSPACE report. Before executing the job, customize the job according to your installation standards. Figure 21 shows a sample for DK1TSTRB.