TSR_Algorithm=P|D allows the TSR Space Manager to determine if TSR space usage should be maximized or performance should be optimized when TSR space is allocated and deallocated for table usage. The TSR space manager is the tableBASE component responsible for tracking TSR space usage and for allocating and deallocating TSR space when tables are opened, closed, expanded or reduced in size.
The following is a description of each parameter value:
- P (Performance) indicates that the TSR will be optimized for performance. Space will be assigned to tables within the TSR so as to minimize CPU usage, which may result in a less than optimum use of space.
- D (Default) indicates that there will be no optimization, and there will be no messages regarding optimization. However, messages will be provided regarding current percentage of TSR capacity.
The delivered default is D.
This option applies to the TSR created by this region/job and all users accessing it.
This option can be specified for all tableBASE Interfaces.