LIB-LIST (80 bytes)

The DDNAMEs of up to 10 tableBASE libraries in the order in which they are to be searched.

    05 LIB-1             PIC X(8) VALUE 'TESTLIB'.
    05 LIB-2             PIC X(8) VALUE 'MAINLIB'.
    05 LIB-3             PIC X(8) VALUE 'VTS:DKL1'.
    05 LIB-4             PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.
    05 LIB-5             PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.
    05 LIB-6             PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.
    05 LIB-7             PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.
    05 LIB-8             PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.
    05 LIB-9             PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.
    05 LIB-10            PIC X(8) VALUE SPACES.

The unused low order portion of LIB-LIST must be set to low values or spaces. A VTS-TSR may also be included in the search list by specifying the name of the VTS-TSR, prefixed by the VTSPREFIX in TBOPT, instead of a library DDNAME. For example, if VTSPREFIX is not specified in TBOPT and defaults to VTS:, and the VTS name is DKL1, then a LIB-LIST value of VTS:DKL1 could be used; or if VTSPREFIX is set to : in TBOPT, and the VTS name is VTS1234, then a LIB-LIST value of :VTS1234 could be used.

tableBASE stops processing the list when it reaches an entry with all low-values or allspaces.