10. ROWS (fullword binary)

(NUMBER-OF-ROWS) An estimate of the number of rows that will initially be loaded into the table:

  • default NUMBER-OF-ROWS for tables depends on the row-size and table organization
  • size of a table is limited only by the amount of memory available.

The space required for a data table =
    Row-Space + Index-Space + Definition-Space

The space required for an alternate index =
    Index-Space + Definition-Space

Row-Space = NUMBER-OF-ROWS * row size rounded up to a multiple of 4K

Index-Space for a non-hash index =
    NUMBER-OF-ROWS * 8 * (1 + expansion factor/1000)
        rounded up to a multiple of 4K

Index-Space for a hash index =
    NUMBER-OF-ROWS * 8 * lower density/1000
        rounded up to a multiple of 4K

Definition-Space = 4K

After a GD command, this field contains the actual number of rows in the table.