Define New Library (DL)

Command title

Define New Library


This command initializes the dataset referred to in the DDNAME parameter to be a tableBASE library.

COBOL syntax

MOVE 'DL'                   TO xxxx-COMMAND.

C syntax

memcpy( tbCommArea.tbCommand, "DL", 2 );
TBLBASE( &tbParm, &tbCommArea, pDDName, &tbLibSpace );



LIB-SPACE (optional)—Upon return, the LIB-SPACE parameter contains the number of blocks defined for the library and the number of blocks remaining after tableBASE has used some blocks to create the library directory.


The dataset must have a disposition of NEW or OLD in the JCL, and have at least 10 blocks allocated.

Return value

Error 0061 subcode 3 occurs when the DL command failed because the library is already open.

Error 0061 subcode 4 occurs when the DL command failed because the DISP must be NEW or OLD.

Error 0061 subcode 5 occurs when the DL command failed because the VSAM library was not defined as reusable.

The error codes listed above are unique to DL; other, more generic errors are possible for DL (40, 61, etc.).


This command is only available in a single-task batch environment.



See also

The chapter “Using TBEXEC (DK1TEXEC)” in the tableBASE Batch Utilities Guide—for information on defining and formatting tableBASE libraries.

The EXPAND Library command in the tableBASE Batch Utilities Guide—for information on library expansion.