The optional VTS Gate interface, new with Version 7, provides enhanced security features like SAF interface and hardware key protection for VTS-TSRs. VTS-TSRs can also be initialized in read-only or read-write mode. These new features provide the ability to better manage VTS-TSR access.
Also with Version 7, a VTS-TSR now contains a generation number. This generation number increases each time a VTS-TSR is restarted or switched to read-only or read-write mode. Switching of a VTS to read-only or read-write mode is relevant only if you have licensed VTS Gate.
The generation number for a VTS is contained in VTS-DATA and can be obtained using the LV command. For more information on VTS-DATA and how to use the VTS generation number, please refer to the tableBASE Programming Guide.
For more information on VTS Gate product features and administration, please refer to VTS Gate (VTS with Enhanced Security).