Features from Version 6

Highlights of Version 6 are contained in the list below.

  1. A common naming structure (DK1xxxx) for all load modules has been added for easy identification. The tablesONLINE programs retain the original naming structure (TBDKxxxx) to avoid more work in redefining these programs to CICS.
  2. Ongoing maintenance is reduced with the introduction of a single load library that contains all Version 6 tableBASE modules.
  3. The installation process is simplified and standardized, as it is the same process for all DataKinetics products: batch, CICS Interface, IMS Interface, VTS (Virtual Table Share) and VTS Manager; and there is uniform treatment of install options.
    The term “VTS-TSR” was introduced in Version 6. Tables in tableBASE are either opened for private use in a local TSR, or, for shared use in a VTS-TSR. The latter is an optional feature that requires the installation of the DataKinetics VTS (Virtual Table Share) product.
  4. A library diagnosis utility is provided that allows for detection of errors in tableBASE libraries.
  5. A significant benefit of the new updateable VTS is that CICS Transaction Affinity restrictions with respect to tableBASE access can be lifted. If CICS transactions access tables in VTS, rather than their local CICS regions, transactions can execute in any CICS region. tablesONLINE/CICS was upgraded for Version 6 to take advantage of this.